Heart 2 Home Doodles
Big Puppy Sale!!
We have seriously lowered the prices on all of our puppies! They are 16 weeks old and ready for their own homes. Aria has one super sweet male Bernedoodle puppy left. Please be sure to check Bear out! Pebbles and Remi also have litters of F1b Goldendoodles. Please use the links below or the menu bar to check out all of our available puppies.
Click a link below or use the menu bar to see our available puppies 🐶
About F1b Goldendoodles & Bernedoodles
All of our puppies are F1b Goldendoodles or Bernedoodles. An F1b is a backcross between a first generation doodle (F1) and a poodle. This results in puppies that are 75% poodle and 25% golden retriever or Bernese mountain dog.. These puppies are more hypoallergenic and lower shedding than the first generation doodles.